[_id] => tl10361103614467
[extclass] =>
[0] => accordion="tab_name{:}Make
[1] => Sure
[2] => We
[3] => Have
[4] => Your
[5] => Medical
[6] => Records{,}tab_content{:}It
[7] => is
[8] => important
[9] => that
[10] => we
[11] => receive
[12] => your
[13] => medical
[14] => records
[15] => before
[16] => your
[17] => visit;
[18] => otherwise,
[19] => the
[20] => vascular
[21] => doctor
[22] => from
[23] => our
[24] => team
[25] => will
[26] => be
[27] => unable
[28] => to
[29] => adequately
[30] => evaluate
[31] => you,
[32] => and
[33] => it
[34] => may
[35] => be
[36] => necessary
[37] => to
[38] => reschedule
[39] => your
[40] => appointment
[41] => until
[42] => those
[43] => records
[44] => are
[45] => received.
[46] => your
[47] => personal
[48] => physician
[49] => has
[50] => referred
[51] => you
[52] => to
[53] => Maryland
[54] => Vascular
[55] => Specialists,
[56] => he
[57] => or
[58] => she
[59] => will
[60] => either
[61] => contact
[62] => us
[63] => by
[64] => phone
[65] => or
[66] => send
[67] => your
[68] => records
[69] => to
[70] => our
[71] => office.
[72] => you
[73] => have
[74] => referred
[75] => yourself,
[76] => you
[77] => should
[78] => contact
[79] => your
[80] => physician
[81] => and
[82] => arrange
[83] => for
[84] => your
[85] => records
[86] => to
[87] => be
[88] => sent
[89] => to
[90] => our
[91] => office
[92] => before
[93] => your
[94] => scheduled
[95] => visit.
[96] => Your
[97] => past
[98] => medical
[99] => history
[100] => is
[101] => essential
[102] => in
[103] => diagnosis
[104] => and
[105] => treatment.
[106] => Out
[107] => The
[108] => New
[109] => Patient
[110] => Information
[111] => Forms{,}tab_content{:}Filling
[112] => out
[113] => the
[114] => patient
[115] => information
[116] => forms
[117] => before
[118] => your
[119] => appointment
[120] => will
[121] => help
[122] => save
[123] => time
[124] => when
[125] => you
[126] => get
[127] => here.
[128] => Please
[129] => download
[130] => and
[131] => complete
[132] => the
[133] => forms
[134] => below,
[135] => and
[136] => bring
[137] => them
[138] => with
[139] => you
[140] => on
[141] => the
[142] => day
[143] => of
[144] => your
[145] => appointment.
- Registration
[146] =>
[href] => l!3f/vascular-surgery/l!3f
[147] => class="broken_link">HIPAA
[148] => Form
- Financial
[149] => Policy
[150] => Form
- Initial
[151] => Consult
[152] =>
[153] => class="broken_link">Release
[154] => of
[155] => Information
[156] => Form
[157] => If
[158] => you
[159] => cannot
[160] => print
[161] => out
[162] => the
[163] => forms,
[164] => please
[165] => call
[166] => our
[167] => toll-free
[168] => phone
[169] => number
[170] => 1-(844)
[171] => 415-8246
[172] => and
[173] => ask
[174] => that
[175] => the
[176] => forms
[177] => be
[178] => mailed
[179] => to
[180] => you.
[181] => About
[182] => Open
[183] => Vascular
[184] =>
[185] => class="broken_link">Open
[186] => Vascular
[187] => Procedures{,}show_first{:}"
[_id] => tl10361103614470
[extclass] =>
[0] => accordion="tab_name{:}Bring
[1] => All
[2] => Of
[3] => Your
[4] => Insurance
[5] => Information
[6] => And
[7] => Your
[8] => I.D.{,}tab_content{:}When
[9] => you
[10] => make
[11] => an
[12] => appointment
[13] => with
[14] => us,
[15] => you
[16] => will
[17] => be
[18] => asked
[19] => for
[20] => your
[21] => insurance
[22] => information
[23] => so
[24] => we
[25] => can
[26] => verify
[27] => it
[28] => prior
[29] => to
[30] => your
[31] => appointment.
[32] => Make
[33] => sure
[34] => to
[35] => bring
[36] => your
[37] => insurance
[38] => card
[39] => and
[40] => your
[41] => driver’s
[42] => license
[43] => or
[44] => government
[45] => state-issued
[46] => ID
[47] => with
[48] => photo
[49] => to
[50] => your
[51] => first
[52] => appointment.
[53] => You
[54] => can
[55] => find
[56] => out
[57] => more
[58] => about
[59] => our
[60] => financial
[61] => policies
[62] => by
[63] => calling
[64] => our
[65] => Patient
[66] => Billing
[67] => Department.
[68] => Cash
[69] => Policy{,}tab_content{:}Maryland
[70] => Vascular
[71] => Specialists
[72] => has
[73] => adopted
[74] => a
[75] => No
[76] => Cash
[77] => Policy,
[78] => effective
[79] => September
[80] => 1,
[81] => 2018.
[82] => cash
[83] => will
[84] => be
[85] => accepted
[86] => for
[87] => payment
[88] => of
[89] => co-payments
[90] => or
[91] => account
[92] =>
[93] => />in
[94] => any
[95] => Maryland
[96] => Vascular
[97] => Specialists
[98] => office.
[99] => may
[100] => still
[101] => be
[102] => made
[103] => by
[104] => personal
[105] => check,
[106] => credit
[107] => card,
[108] => money
[109] => order,
[110] => or
[111] => cashier’s
[112] => check.
[113] => care
[114] => and
[115] => treatment
[116] => is
[117] => always
[118] => our
[119] => primary
[120] => concern.
[121] => If
[122] => this
[123] => policy
[124] => causes
[125] => hardship,
[126] => please
[127] => ask
[128] => to
[129] => speak
[130] => to
[131] => the
[132] => Office
[133] => Manager
[134] => or
[135] => our
[136] => Billing
[137] => Department.
[138] => you
[139] => for
[140] => your
[141] => understanding
[142] => as
[143] => we
[144] => adopt
[145] => this
[146] => new
[147] => policy.
[148] => All
[149] => Of
[150] => Your
[151] => Medications{,}tab_content{:}Please
[152] => bring
[153] => all
[154] => of
[155] => your
[156] => medications
[157] => with
[158] => you
[159] => in
[160] => their
[161] => original
[162] => containers
[163] => when
[164] => you
[165] => come
[166] => to
[167] => the
[168] => office.
[169] => You
[170] => will
[171] => want
[172] => to
[173] => make
[174] => sure
[175] => that
[176] => our
[177] => doctors
[178] => know
[179] => about
[180] => every
[181] => medication
[182] => you
[183] => are
[184] => taking,
[185] => including
[186] => over-the-counter
[187] => and
[188] => herbal
[189] => medications.
[190] => This
[191] => is
[192] => essential
[193] => to
[194] => avoid
[195] => potential
[196] => drug
[197] => interactions
[198] => between
[199] => new
[200] => medications
[201] => we
[202] => prescribe
[203] => (or
[204] => use
[205] => during
[206] => your
[207] => vein
[208] => or
[209] => artery
[210] => procedure)
[211] => and
[212] => your
[213] => current
[214] => medications.
[215] => Your
[216] => Vascular
[217] => Care
[218] => Doctor
[219] => &
[220] => Team{,}tab_content{:}After
[221] => you
[222] => have
[223] => filled
[224] => out
[225] => your
[226] => registration
[227] => forms
[228] => and
[229] => returned
[230] => them
[231] => to
[232] => the
[233] => front
[234] => desk,
[235] => a
[236] => member
[237] => of
[238] => our
[239] => team
[240] => will
[241] => take
[242] => you
[243] => back
[244] => to
[245] => an
[246] => exam
[247] => room
[248] => where
[249] => he
[250] => or
[251] => she
[252] => will
[253] => take
[254] => your
[255] => blood
[256] => pressure
[257] => and
[258] => pulse.
[259] => We
[260] => will
[261] => also
[262] => go
[263] => over
[264] => your
[265] => medical
[266] => history
[267] => to
[268] => find
[269] => out
[270] => not
[271] => only
[272] => what
[273] => medications
[274] => you’re
[275] => taking
[276] => but
[277] => what,
[278] => if
[279] => any,
[280] => allergies
[281] => you
[282] => might
[283] => have;
[284] => what
[285] => kind
[286] => of
[287] => prior
[288] => illnesses
[289] => or
[290] => injuries
[291] => you
[292] => may
[293] => have
[294] => suffered;
[295] => and
[296] => any
[297] => operations
[298] => or
[299] => hospital
[300] => stays
[301] => you
[302] => might
[303] => have
[304] => had.
[305] => **
[306] => TIP:
[307] => It
[308] => may
[309] => help
[310] => to
[311] => write
[312] => down
[313] => all
[314] => of
[315] => your
[316] => medical
[317] => events
[318] => and
[319] => dates,
[320] => and
[321] => bring
[322] => this
[323] => with
[324] => you
[325] => to
[326] => your
[327] => visit.
[328] => will
[329] => also
[330] => be
[331] => asked
[332] => about
[333] => the
[334] => health
[335] => of
[336] => your
[337] => family,
[338] => including
[339] => any
[340] => hereditary
[341] => conditions
[342] => that
[343] => might
[344] => be
[345] => related
[346] => to
[347] => your
[348] => vascular
[349] => and
[350] => overall
[351] => health.
[352] => One
[353] => of
[354] => our
[355] => vascular
[356] => doctors
[357] => will
[358] => review
[359] => your
[360] => medical
[361] => history,
[362] => get
[363] => any
[364] => diagnostic
[365] => tests
[366] => done
[367] => that
[368] => are
[369] => needed
[370] => while
[371] => you
[372] => are
[373] => at
[374] => our
[375] => office,
[376] => discuss
[377] => pertinent
[378] => findings
[379] => with
[380] => you
[381] => and
[382] => your
[383] => family,
[384] => and
[385] => recommend
[386] => any
[387] => further
[388] => testing
[389] => or
[390] => treatment
[391] => plans.
[392] => Please
[393] => feel
[394] => free
[395] => to
[396] => ask
[397] => the
[398] => physician
[399] => any
[400] => questions
[401] => you
[402] => may
[403] => have
[404] => at
[405] => this
[406] =>
[href] => l!3f/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Post_Angiogram.pdfl!3f
[407] => class="broken_link">OUR
[408] => TEAM
[409] => To
[410] => Expect
[411] => During
[412] => Your
[413] => Ultrasound{,}tab_content{:}A
[414] => vascular
[415] => ultrasound
[416] => is
[417] => a
[418] => short,
[419] => painless
[420] => way
[421] => to
[422] => examine
[423] => your
[424] => blood
[425] => flow.
[426] => Depending
[427] => on
[428] => the
[429] => ultrasound
[430] => area,
[431] => you
[432] => will
[433] => change
[434] => into
[435] => a
[436] => gown
[437] => or
[438] => cloth
[439] => shorts
[440] => prior.
[441] => Our
[442] => Registered
[443] => Vascular
[444] => Technologist
[445] => will
[446] => give
[447] => you
[448] => a
[449] => brief
[450] => description
[451] => of
[452] => the
[453] => exam,
[454] => which
[455] => could
[456] => involve
[457] => any
[458] => or
[459] => all
[460] => of
[461] => the
[462] => following:
- Blood
[463] => pressure
[464] => of
[465] => the
[466] => arms,
[467] => legs
[468] => and
[469] => toes
- Pressing
[470] => a
[471] => small
[472] => probe
[473] => onto
[474] => your
[475] => blood
[476] => vessels
[477] => to
[478] => listen
[479] => to
[480] => the
[481] => flow
[482] => as
[483] => well
[484] => as
[485] => watch
[486] => it
[487] => on
[488] => a
[489] => computer
[490] => screen
- Walking
[491] => on
[492] => a
[493] => treadmill
- Performing
[494] => calf
[495] => raises
[496] => in
[497] => a
[498] => standing
[499] => position
[500] => To
[501] => Expect
[502] => For
[503] => Your
[504] => Procedure{,}tab_content{:}
[505] => PROCEDURES:
[506] => is
[507] => a
[508] => non-invasive
[509] => in-office
[510] => procedure
[511] => that
[512] => causes
[513] => minimal
[514] => discomfort
[515] => and
[516] => takes
[517] => approximately
[518] => 30-45
[519] => minutes
[520] => depending
[521] => on
[522] => the
[523] => procedure.
[524] => PROCEDURE:
[525] => ARTERIAL
[526] => MVS
[527] => staff
[528] => member
[529] => will
[530] => provide
[531] => you
[532] => with
[533] => a
[534] => pre-operative
[535] => list
[536] => via
[537] => mail
[538] => or
[539] => during
[540] => your
[541] => consult.
[542] => OF:
- Arrive
[543] => 30
[544] => minutes
[545] => early,
[546] => change
[547] => into
[548] => a
[549] => comfortable
[550] => gown
[551] => and
[552] => relax
[553] => in
[554] => your
[555] => own
[556] => private
[557] => prep/recovery
[558] => room.
- Your
[559] => nurse
[560] => will
[561] => greet
[562] => you
[563] => and
[564] => ask
[565] => a
[566] => couple
[567] => of
[568] => questions.
- Your
[569] => physician
[570] => will
[571] => come
[572] => in
[573] => and
[574] => repeat
[575] => the
[576] => procedure
[577] => plan.
- You
[578] => are
[579] => taken
[580] => to
[581] => the
[582] => procedure
[583] => room,
[584] => given
[585] => a
[586] => mild
[587] => sedation
[588] => (no
[589] => anesthesia).
[590] => You
[591] => will
[592] => be
[593] => awake
[594] => but
[595] => very
[596] => comfortable
[597] => and
[598] => have
[599] => limited
[600] => feeling.
- The
[601] => procedure
[602] => can
[603] => take
[604] => up
[605] => to
[606] => 60
[607] => minutes.
- Recover
[608] => in
[609] => the
[610] => same
[611] => private
[612] => suite
[613] => for
[614] => another
[615] => 60
[616] => minutes.
- Briefly
[617] => speak
[618] => to
[619] => your
[620] => physician
[621] => about
[622] => the
[623] => procedure,
[624] => results
[625] => and
[626] => follow-up.
- Receive
[627] => post-op
[628] => care
[629] => forms
[630] => from
[631] => a
[632] => patient
[633] => care
[634] => coordinator.
- Receive
[635] => a
[636] => follow-up
[637] => phone
[638] => call
[639] => the
[640] => next
[641] => day
[642] => and
[643] => a
[644] => follow-up
[645] => appointment
[646] => 2
[647] => weeks
[648] =>
[649] => class="broken_link">Click
[650] => here
[651] => to
[652] => view
[653] => post-op
[654] => angiogram
[655] => form{,}show_first{:}"
[_id] => tl10361103614473
[extclass] =>
[0] => accordion="tab_name{:}Prepare
[1] => For
[2] => The
[3] => Next
[4] => Steps{,}tab_content{:}After
[5] => your
[6] => visit,
[7] => our
[8] => office
[9] => will
[10] => forward
[11] => all
[12] => medical
[13] => records,
[14] => test
[15] => results,
[16] => and
[17] => suggestions
[18] => for
[19] => treatment
[20] => from
[21] => our
[22] => vascular
[23] => center
[24] => to
[25] => your
[26] => referring
[27] => physician.
[28] => If
[29] => you
[30] => have
[31] => questions,
[32] => please
[33] => call
[34] => the
[35] => Maryland
[36] => Vascular
[37] => Specialists
[38] => where
[39] => you
[40] => were
[41] => cared
[42] => for
[43] => between
[44] => the
[45] => business
[46] => hours
[47] => of
[48] => 8:30am
[49] => –
[50] => 4:30pm
[51] => so
[52] => that
[53] => we
[54] => may
[55] => assist
[56] => you.
[57] => Instructions
[58] => &
[59] =>
[href] => l!3f/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Ultrasound_Faqs-1.pdfl!3f
[60] => class="broken_link">Post
[61] => Abdominal
[62] => Aortic
[63] => Aneurysm
[64] => Repair
[65] =>
[66] => class="broken_link">Post
[67] => Abdominal
[68] => Aortic
[69] => Aneurysm
[70] => Stent
[71] => Graft
[72] =>
[73] => class="broken_link">Post
[74] => Angiogram,
[75] => Stenting
[76] => and
[77] => Atherectomy
[78] =>
[79] => class="broken_link">Post
[80] => Carotid
[81] => Endartectomy
[82] =>
[83] => class="broken_link">Post
[84] => Vein
[85] => Closure
[86] =>
[87] => class="broken_link">Post
[88] => Carotid
[89] => Surgery
[90] =>
[91] => class="broken_link">Post
[92] => Peripheral
[93] => Bypass
[94] =>
[95] => class="broken_link">Post
[96] => Stent
[97] => Placement
[98] =>
[99] => class="broken_link">Ultrasound
[100] => FAQs
Know What To Expect
We are here to help you plan so that you know what to expect before, during, and after your visit to Maryland Vascular Specialists. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your treatment options and plan. Please read the instructions below to get an idea of what to expect before, during, and after your visit. It will help make your consultation or your scheduled appointment more time efficient for you when you arrive at our office.
Before Your Visit